Sunday, 22 March 2020

Battlesystem games so far

I had a bunch of pictures from games I played during 2019 and, since they had not previously been published on the other blog or anywhere else, I decided that it would be nice to post them in a few posts now that the general mood for meeting with other people would prevent any more games for at least a while.

I'll start with Battlesystem, I had only two games in 2019, but it was nice to bring out the rulebook and start playing again.
The perfect excuse presented itself when most of the D&D players couldn't make it to a game session, so, with the two that could, I put together a small scenario loosely connected with the campaign, it involved a former PC Rootin, the female barbarian, defending the village where she was raising her newborn twin children.

It was a small thing and some of the terrain was not painted, but worked well as an introduction to the players.

Rooting (in the pictures with her loyal dogs), managed to defend the village, even if she was herself wounded, but drove off the raiding humanoid party.

The next game was a more loose affair, just practice and get more familiar with the rules, but the models we used were essentially the same, with just minor variations.
As you can see from these (and the future) pictures, the terrain slowly improves with every game.

Next posts will deal with Warhammer 6th edition, which one of the D&D players used to play when he was in hes teens and wanted to try again. It did work pretty well and we have had a few games of that as well.

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