Sunday, 4 June 2023

Another Chaos warband game

 We had another game with the Chaos warbands. 

This time it was an exploration of the chaos wastes in search of treasures, with the chance of random monsters appearing from terrain features. I didn't participate as a player, but run the random monsters appearing on the table.

The battlefield

Doyle's Slaanesh warband was immediately greeted by a Daemonette, but the champion didn't manage to get control over her and had to run away to avoid a close encounter he might not survive.

Max's dwarf champion of Nurgle with all his spawns run into a chaos giant that killed the newly recruited hobgoblin and the beastman standard bearer, but was finally brought down by the champion.

Cyrus' Khornate warband, with the advantage a several mutated and very fast troops, run directly for his arch rival, the champion of Slaanes, finding some treasures in the process, including a daemon weapon of Slaanesh that he could not touch. The two warbands ended up fighting it over and Khorne had the final word in the discussion.

Overall a very good game, now the other warbands start to be pretty interesting and the various confrontations less predictable.

The build up towards the siege of Praag continues.

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