Saturday, 27 January 2024

Conclusion of the Siege of Praag campaign

 Last weekend we played the third game for the siege of Praag.

The Slaaneshi forces had to protect a contingent of goblinoids that were installing a series of war machines to batter the walls of the city and create a breach.

The Kislevite/Imperial forces would sally out of the city to disturb the process, in 6 turns they had to cause as much damage to the war machines as possible.

The army of Slaanesh had a good amount of spellcasters of different power, the defenders only had 2 minor battle wizards, since the head of the Kislevite wizard was killed in the previous battle.

These are a few pictures to show how the battle went down.

The two battle lines, the Kislevites started advancing and pressing from turn one.

The relentless advance of the infantry on the left flank with mounted crossbowmen in the center.

The Slaanesh troops start to redeploy to defend the war machines.

On the Kislevite left flank the mercenary hobgoblins and elements from Doyle's warband try to get in position to push back the enemy.

In the meantime one of the bolt throwers is destroyed with a series of fireballs and the halberdiers are getting dangerously close to the catapult.

A small unit of beastmen valiantly tries to stop the humans, but with little success.

On the Slaanesh left, a champion accompanied by some chaos hounds struggles to repel some human cavalry, the fight is closely fought with the advantage swinging more than once between the contendents.

The final collapse of the Slaaneshi left flank leaves the road open to the destruction of the war machines and a victory for the defenders of Praag.

This was the third win in a row for the humans, so we decided to skip the fourth game with the forces of Slaanesh and declare the campaign a win for the forces of humanity, but the chaos warbands were not beaten too badly and we might play some more games in the future.

For the near future we might move to 6th edition (most players said they would prefer to try a simpler version of the game) or some old school second edition Warzone for something completely different, we sill see.

I really enjoyed playing with the realms of chaos rules after 30 years and would like to do some more of this style of game, but it depends on what my players like the best.