After a very long time, I finally managed to have a couple of old style games at home.
This time I convinced a couple of friends to try Warhammer 3rd edition with the Chaos warbands rules from Realms of Chaos.
We had a first game where a warband of Khorne (Cyrus) was trying to wrestle some treasure from a ruined temple defended by a goblin champion of Nurgle (Doyle).
The followers of Nurgle managed to win the game and got a new disease from a rotting corpse found in a sarcophagus in the temple, but their champion was killed and the warband lost cohesion and was dispersed.
For the second game Doyle rolled a new warband, this time the champion follower Slanesh.
Some not great dice rolling gave him a warband only composed of four characters and was tasked to assault a dwarf convoy returning from a mine loaded with iron for the forges of Praag, a hard task ahead of him.
To add insult to injury, he found a champion of Khorne (Cyrus) and his warband waiting for him.
The two warbands concentrated their effort on the convoy and managed to destroy the dwarf guards and steal the load, the followers of Khorne managed to get away with one wagon, while the Slaaneshi warriors took two.
This time I acted as an umpire and took few pictures, I'll make sure we get more pictures next time (hopefully next weekend), in the meantime I am frenetically preparing some figures in an attempt to only use painted figures and have the correct(ish) models, as far as that's possible using the Realms of Chaos rules.