This is the second Mordheim game we managed to play, the previous one happened in february, just before the first lock down, let's just hope theree is not going to be another lock down.
This time it was a simple two sided game, with my beastmen warband and Cyrus Reikland mercenaries searching the ruins for some rumored treasure.
It was not a very long game, in the 3rd turn I managed to both find the treasure and put enough of the Reiklanders out of action that Cyrus had to roll for his Leadership and, with his captain already out, he failed and the warband ran.
The post game phase was also very interesting, I found a light armour and some valuables in the treasure chest, and with 3 shards of wyrdstone managed to buy a new Gor and three Ungors to bolster the warband.
Cyrus was not so lucky, his captain will be missing the next 4 games, due to multiple injuries, but at least won't suffer any long term effects and he managed to replace the only casualty of the game.
The Reikland mercenaries set up and start advancing and searching for the treasure from the North side of the table.
From the second turn the warbands get close and the minotaur, due to its frenzy, is obliged to charge the Reikland captain, but quickly put him out of action.