Saturday, 14 November 2020

Second Mordheim game

 This is the second Mordheim game we managed to play, the previous one happened in february, just before the first lock down, let's just hope theree is not going to be another lock down.

This time it was a simple two sided game, with my beastmen warband and Cyrus Reikland mercenaries searching the ruins for some rumored treasure.

It was not a very long game, in the 3rd turn I managed to both find the treasure and put enough of the Reiklanders out of action that Cyrus had to roll for his Leadership and, with his captain already out, he failed and the warband ran.

The post game phase was also very interesting, I found a light armour and some valuables in the treasure chest, and with 3 shards of wyrdstone managed to buy a new Gor and three Ungors to bolster the warband.

Cyrus was not so lucky, his captain will be missing the next 4 games, due to multiple injuries, but at least won't suffer any long term effects and he managed to replace the only casualty of the game.

The Reikland mercenaries set up and start advancing and searching for the treasure from the North side of the table.

The beastmen do the same from the South.

From the second turn the warbands get close and the minotaur, due to its frenzy, is obliged to charge the Reikland captain, but quickly put him out of action.

The ungors stalk the ruins, while the Reikland heroes partol their side of the area.

During the third turn the Gor finds the treasure, while the ungors kill a marksman that was searching another ruined building.

Saturday, 31 October 2020

Battlesystem again

 A few days ago I was talking with Cyrus about playing some game and he asked to play Battlesystem again.

I was quite surprised, but accepted right away. He aslked to play something connected to our ongoing D&D campaign. 

Now I had to find a scenario for which I had enough stuff and that wouldn't take too long to play through and that was connected to the campaign, not an easy task.

Then I remembered reading module I14, Swords of the Iron Legion. This is a D&D/Battlesystem campaign set in the Forgotten Realms. The setting is about all that links it to our campaign, but I thought, better then nothing.

I was also curious to play some of the weirder scenarios in the module. Reviews are not too kind to this module, the connection between the various adventures is poor and the main plot not even apparent to the players. My idea is, therefor, to play the Battlesystem scenarios ignoring the RPG parts and just using them as a backdrop to tell the story of the campaign.

The first scenario, The storm of Greshlyrr, sees a force of Kobolds assaulting a gnome village. It is a very small scenario, so we managed to play it over a couple of hours.

I obviously don't own enough kobolds or gnomes to field armies of them, so some proxying had to be done, here are some pictures of the game.

The preparation and selection of the scenario.

The village of Gildenglade and its defenders, some militia and civilians

Greshlyrr and its kobold tribe.

More shots of the village and some of its inhabitants.

The battle was closely fought, in the end most of the defenders fled back into the village, but the kobolds leader also fled the field and the remaining kobolds decided their lives were more valuable then loot or revenge, so it ended as a draw.

The next battle involves a lot of cavalry on both sides, I'll see if and when I can gather all the troops, but it won't bee too soon.

Saturday, 20 June 2020

First game after lockdown

I finally managed to get a game after the two months lockdown.
We had a little 500 points game using another Siege and Conquest scenario: "The messenger" using the Warhammer fantasy 6th edition rules.
It was a fun little game and very close until the very end.

This time I was in control of the orcs and (mostly) goblins.
The game went down to a challenge between the two force commanders and the orc hero prevailed and killed the Empire captain.
The highlight of the game were a couple of trolls that failed every single stupidity test and kept going towards an empty table quadrant for the whole game.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

An actual game of Dragon Rampant

Yesterday IlVJ had a game of Dragon Rampant with a friend.
Given the lockdown they had to find a way to do it from different places and ended up setting up the table at my brother's place and his opponent was on the phone and giving him instructions and rolling dice on the other end.
It took longer that being in person and in a couple hours they managed to complete about a third of the whole game, but it was apparently a good experience.

Here you are a few pictures of the game

Monday, 27 April 2020

Dragon Rampant

IlVJ has recently gotten into Dragon Rampant.
He decided to use it as an excuse to get some of his old miniatures painted and did two armies, one is a men army with some summoned beasts, he went for a slightly barbaric theme, so there are both knights and barbarian types, with a king riding a lion and some valkyries.
He then did an "Underdark" army, which is not yet complete, with drows, an hillithyd, spiders and driders.

The following pictures are not of a game, it is not easy to get those going these days, but he set up a board with some Warhammer Townscape card houses, so I thought it would be nice to share the photos.